Drug Addict Who Drove Into Chef Begged Mother for Supplies, Court Told

Drug addict who drove into chef begged mother for supplies, court told
Filed under: cocaine addiction symptom
“He had the most appalling withdrawal symptoms – he would tear at the backs of his legs until they bled and would beg me to get him a [cocaine] line,” she said. “I nearly cracked a few times but that was just in my mind, to release him from what he was … Read more on WalesOnline


Alec Bates: His fight to break free of heroin was never easy
Filed under: cocaine addiction symptom
At 16, cocaine and ecstasy. At 18, heroin. He remembers that first hit, how it radiated like a heat wave through his body, starting at the back of his neck, spreading to his feet. It calmed him, made him feel all right in his own skin. It was so simple … Read more on OregonLive.com


Denzel Washington pilots 'Flight' through storm
Filed under: cocaine addiction symptom
Denzel Washington stars as a pilot who becomes a national hero for managing to crash-land a malfunctioning jet but faces another harrowing descent when alcohol and cocaine are discovered in his system. The movie, being released in North America this … Read more on San Francisco Luxury News