Heroin Victim's Mother Looks to Save Others Through Legislation

Heroin victim's mother looks to save others through legislation
Filed under: cocaine oxycodone addiction
Medical records show that the day he died Anthony Gilmore was high on heroin and cocaine and he had been given the drug Narcan, used to combat the effects of a drug overdose. "I think a lot of people dropped the ball that day. There was no emergency … Read more on Wicked Local Franklin


Following traffic stop in Holyoke, Massachusetts State Police confiscate gun
Filed under: cocaine oxycodone addiction
Percocet is a prescription drug consisting of Acetaminophen and the addictive opiate Oxycodone. Pacheco was charged with trafficking cocaine, possession of heroin with the intent to distribute, illegal possession of a loaded firearm and ammunition … Read more on MassLive.com