Is There Some Sort of “rehab” Program for Video Game Addicts?

Question by May’n: Is there some sort of “rehab” program for video game addicts?
My boyfriend is in his early 20’s and has been obsessed with an online MMORPG for months now. At first, it was okay, but now it’s very bad. Generally, he’s logging eight hours per day, but it’s not unusual for him to play all night long, get zero sleep, nod off at work, and come home to play more. I’m worried that he’s addicted because, every time I ask him to stop playing in the middle, he literally can’t. He’s played for 14 hours in the past day already. He even almost called in sick to work because of it. Not only that, but he can’t converse while he’s playing it. He can’t finish sentences and he even says things that aren’t true that he doesn’t remember later, like he’s possessed. Sometimes he has phone interviews and he ruins them.

Is there a resource that can help people who have this addiction? I feel that it’s a very real addiction, and also a major health concern, because it’s increasingly common for him to ignore his own needs for sleep and food and such in order to keep playing this game.

Also, on a more candid note, as his girlfriend, I’m ready to full-on murder this stupid dumbass game =P So please help if you sympathize =)

Best answer:

Answer by Douglas Rintoul
I found a perfect site (its in the source) but first a few ideas from me:
1. Talk to him about it. Make him sit down far away from the game and talk. If you need to, maybe take him out for dinner to get him away.
2. Bet his parents involved :). He probably wont like it at first but believe me, its one of the best things you can do.
3. Go on holiday somewhere with NO INTERNET.
4. If worst comes to worst, try to have mysterious “power outages” and talk with him then 🙂

I really hope that this helps you.

Answer by mr. mister
I personally hate MMOs and just can’t see how anyone could get addicted to them. They aren’t even game experiences! They are the bare minimum of what the word game stands for, and they totally lack all good game mechanics, cinematics, graphics, and a proper hacking solution. Honestly, if MSFT hasn’t been hacked with their Live servers, there is no reason for any MMO to be. MMO companies are just careless nowadays and will do the bare minimum to get by.

As for your question, there doesn’t seem to be any type of rehab for this, but it is an addiction, and should be taken seriously like one. The one thing you can do is stop paying the bills and rent a hotel for a week. Then see what he really appreciates more. If he chooses them over you, you can do a hell of a lot better.

What do you think? Answer below!




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