Maybe AA Should Add Smartphones as a Thirteenth Step to Overcoming

Maybe AA should add smartphones as a thirteenth step to overcoming
Filed under: cocaine abuse support groups
During the 8-month intervention period, patients randomized to the A-CHESS group used the system, on average, 41.1% of days (mean number of days of use, 100.2; median, 103.0) and viewed a mean number of 1967 pages (median, 1745 pages). Of the 170 … Read more on DailyTech


Bernards Township parents: 'We are losing kids'
Filed under: cocaine abuse support groups
Some voiced wariness about drug testing, but there was support for measures like drug-sniffing dogs, monitoring of school lavatories, increased staff training to detect substance abuse, school assemblies featuring former addicts, and parental education. Read more on New Jersey Hills