The Bridge "Calaca" Review: Oh, So This Is a Tex-Mex the Wire (And That's Okay)

The Bridge "Calaca" Review: Oh, So This Is a Tex-Mex The Wire (and That's Okay)
Filed under: cocaine treatment models
(After that thought popped up in my head I read an interview where The Bridge creator Meredith Stiehl said The Wire was a model for her show, so I guess I wasn't far off.) But like The Wire, it's difficult to get into the show after only a few episodes … Read more on


Companies boycott Rolling Stone, won't sell issue
Filed under: cocaine treatment models
“Your August 3 cover rewards a terrorist with celebrity treatment,” the letter read. “Put the focus where you could have: on the brave and strong survivors and on the thousands of people-their family and friends, volunteers, first responders, doctors … Read more on Daily Caller