Vague Standards Lead to Too Many Drug Prescriptions

Vague Standards Lead to Too Many Drug Prescriptions
Filed under: dsm iv cocaine abuse code
Revised from DSM-IV's "Not Otherwise Specified" categories, these diagnoses give clinicians the flexibility necessary in some settings to provide patients with the best care. For example, if a patient comes into an emergency department and is acutely … Read more on Wall Street Journal


The Book of Woe, Ungifted, My Beloved Brontosaurus, and Brainwashed
Filed under: dsm iv cocaine abuse code
Gary Greenberg, a self-described “lunchbucket therapist,” uses DSM codes to get paid for helping people grapple with life and self. He has written both an inside history of the tome's scientific aspirations—how III exorcised Freud and IV defined … Read more on Scientist