What Happens if You Get Caught With Marijuana and Cocaine in CO?

Question by Sarah: what happens if you get caught with marijuana and cocaine in CO?
what would happen if i got caught at a party and got searched and they found some cocaine and marijuana and i’m 16? and what would happen if i got caught at school?

these are two things i’m strongly looking for answers for and hoping to avoid

Best answer:

Answer by dakota97slowpar
First, you should not be at a party where controlled substances are prevalent. even as a minor you can be tried as an adult in certain circumstances, check your states DOJ website. Do not put your family through the unnecessary and ignorant behavior of people who call you their friends. A true friend does not have to test friendship. Why on earth would you want to associate with such bottom feeders who self hate their future so much they have to drag you down with them?. Loose those fools, and focus on your dreams before you damage your life beyond repair. You will make new and better friends, who do not threaten your lively hood, and future

Answer by Honesty
If I was given the chance to guess, my guess would be that you’re having problems at home and your parents are divorced. You’re thinking about trying to live with the other parent and want to know how hard it will be to continue your current life style. If I’m wrong, just give me a thumbs down and blow me off.
I did do a google search to look up what you’re asking about before beginning to answer this question. Just so you know I didn’t just jump onto your question thinking you needed a lecture. I could have spent quite a number of minutes looking up the answers that would most likely enable you more to continue what I sincerely believe will only bring more misery to you. So, in direct response to your question; I’m telling you to do your own research. You can go to google.com and do a search for “Colorado juvenile drug and alcohol laws”. If you want to ruin your life, you can do it on your time -not mine.
At 16, using pot and alcohol will only stick you in a rut you may never get out of. For sure, that should not be your first consideration about making a move to Colorado. I would guess that one or maybe both of your parents are stuck in this substance abuse life style and where has it gotten them? Divorced? Living in 2 different states so that you’re not getting the parenting you need? I say it’s time for you to break the pattern. Go to school for what it was intended. Get an education so you can make a good living when you finish school. If your parents are not taking an interest to see to it that your schooling has primary focus, then you’ll have to do it yourself.
Escaping from reality through the use of these drugs only makes your troubles go away temporarily. They’re still there when you come down and then on top of those problems you’ve got to deal with some of the things you did while you were drunk or high. And because there are still residual affects left over for up to a number of days, your thinking is still affected when you need to be clear to make solid judgment and good decisions. So, you see, the drugs (& in saying that I’m including alcohol, because it’s also a drug) only compound your problems.
If you’re seriously considering a move out of state, do it for the right reasons: so you can make a fresh start, make new friends; friends who really care about what’s best for you. Not the ones who want to suck you into their world so they don’t have to suffer their misery alone.
You still have your whole life ahead of you. There’s a very good reason drugs are either outlawed or not available until you become an adult. And one very good one is because your brain is still in development at 16. I really hope you will find a way to enjoy getting your education and collect all the keys that will open the doors to a future you could only have dreamed about otherwise. Best of luck. No, you create your own fortune, so all you have to do is take the right steps in the right direction.

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