What Makes a Great Screenplay?

What makes a great screenplay?
Filed under: odds beating cocaine addiction
So something happens to a central character that throws them off the beaten track and forces them into a world they've never seen. A beanstalk grows; a patient collapses, a murder is committed. All of these actions have consequences; which in turn … Read more on The Guardian


Two arrested in Cape May Co. drug bust
Filed under: odds beating cocaine addiction
Cocaine and heroin with an estimated street value of $ 17,200 was found, along with a gun. As a result, 37 … Three years ago, a local Catholic high school that was supposed to close beat the odds and managed to keep its doors open. Wildwood Catholic … Read more on NBC40


Payday 2 turns a dumb crook into a smooth criminal (preview)
Filed under: odds beating cocaine addiction
Goldfarb only had time to show me the beginning of one of the multiday missions, which starts with you and your crew in the back of a meat truck full of cocaine … and the cops have just pulled you over. “That turns into a whole different thing,” says … Read more on VentureBeat