Where Can I Find a “Am I Addicted to Cocaine” Questionere? I.e. You Know Your Addicted if… So & So..

by .phrà

Question by Kenneth M: Where can I find a “Am i addicted to cocaine” Questionere? i.e. You know your addicted if… so & so..
One of my best friends has been doing coke like every day for over a year. And he still deny’s that he is addicted. I need to get him one of these questioneer’s so he will atleast admit he has a problem. I’ve seen them before for marijuana. It’ll say: You are a pot head if: You get nervous when your low on weed, You constantly call friends for weed, You feel blah blah blah etc… please help

Best answer:

Answer by Mrs.Lovett
look up cocaine anonymous. they have stuff like that.
helped me

Answer by Midnight S
The criteria for dependency/addiction are as follows:

1. Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you don’t use your drug? Withdrawal symptoms can include being irritable, depressed, more easily angered, etc. Or do you need to use more now than you did in the past to get the same or desired effect.

2. Do you neglect social, occupational or family obligations due to your use?

3. Do you take a great deal of time planning, using and recovering from your use?

4. Do you use more than you intended or at times that you had not intended?

5. Have you made attempts to abstain or cut back but failed?

6. Have you done something like drive a car, operate equipment, or engage in other potentially dangerous activities while under the influence?

7. Do you experience physical and/or psychological problems as a result of your use?

If you can say YES to four of the seven you are dependent on that drug.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!




10 years Addicted To Crack Cocaine ~ 4 Years After rehab – Single mom Erica was addicted to crack cocaine for over 10 years. Thanks to a supportive family who dragged her to rehab (literally) she is now 4 years into recovery. She has been blessed with a new beginning after age 35 & is well on her way to a very successful career as a publicist. Susan McCord @ www.interviewtalkshow.com Erica Beckstead @ http