White Supremacist Gangs Becoming Increased Threat in and Outside of Prisons

White supremacist gangs becoming increased threat in and outside of prisons
Filed under: cocaine abuse nose problems
They're active in drug trafficking and other things that are associated with drug trafficking, like robberies and assaults. They're a racist group. They're a crime group, as well.” The Aryan Brotherhood and two other convict organizations led the … Read more on Dayton Daily News


Tyler Perry Isn't Just an Artless Hack, He's a Scary Ideologue
Filed under: cocaine abuse nose problems
And because he's the devil, he manages to "seduce" Judith, lure her away from her good Christian life with Brice, nose-feed her mountains of cocaine, beat the shit out of her, and turn her into a cackling demon who hates Jesus and never, ever cooks dinner. Read more on Jezebel