Why Are Marijuana, Opium, Cocaine, and Other Naturally Based Drugs Still Illegal?

Question by jordan c: Why are marijuana, opium, cocaine, and other naturally based drugs still illegal?
The drugs laws of America where created in the very late 1800’s and early 1900’s as a way to discriminate against minorities and immigrants that used these drugs. Opium was used by Asian immigrants, and the white government did not want to be overrun by Asians in California, so they found a way to slow the influx by making Opium Illegal. The same for Mexican immigrants and Marijuana. The 14th Ammendment of the U.S. Constitution states “…No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…”. Shouldnt all the drug laws be repealed since they were illegal under the constitution in the first place. SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE!
For all of you that say it is a health issue, that is just absolutely rediculous. Ciggaretes and Alcohol are just as bad for your health as these other drugs if not worse, and they are perfectly legal, that is just something you can say but it is not a reason to make them illegal. If everything that is bad for your health was illegal, McDonald’s should be tried for treason!

Best answer:

Answer by Adam
because a lot of people overdose and die

Answer by Alf
in Holland and here in Denmark

marijuana, and hash is not a crime
you can smoke it here, and no one will stop you

even our police smoke hash

coke and opium is forbidden here
it s not good for our heath

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Noam Chomsky – What Right Does the US Have to Intervene? – Excerpt from “An American Addiction”


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